Landing a Star Wars Placement at 17 with Jiri Nemec

In this episode of the Trailer Music Composer's Podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jiri Nemec. Jiri reached out to me via email with the subject line "Star Wars placement at 17 thanks to your podcast", and I knew I had to have him on the show to explain this great success at such a young age (obvs). What We Discuss on the Show Learning from YouTubeSelf-imposed deadlinesBeating your inner criticReaching out to publishersHaving a community to shareThe importance of publishing on Youtu...

Om Podcasten

This show is for the Trailer Music Composer both amateur and professional. I cover a range of topics from mindset to productivity, to creativity and production.From time to time there will be special guests giving their experience of working in the Trailer Music industry and even some aspiring composers sharing their stories from The Trailer Music School.