The Role of A Freelance Music Supervisor with Emma Middleton

In this episode of the Trailer Music Composer’s Podcast I got to chat with the freelance music supervisor, Emma Middleton (@rubatomusic_uk). In our conversation, Emma was so wonderfully transparent about all the aspects of music supervision and how she came to be in that role. This is gonna be such a helpful interview to listen to togive you a better understanding of how the trailer music world works.Emma is a trailer-specialist Music Supervisor. Off the back of in-house agency experienc...

Om Podcasten

This show is for the Trailer Music Composer both amateur and professional. I cover a range of topics from mindset to productivity, to creativity and production.From time to time there will be special guests giving their experience of working in the Trailer Music industry and even some aspiring composers sharing their stories from The Trailer Music School.