TMCP 003: The Five rules of Trailer Music

Well, it's more like the five "guidelines" but "rules" sounds so much more definitive and generally more awesome doesn't it. If I were to say "the five guidelines of trailer music" it would sound more like a HR manual then a gripping podcast episode.

That aside. These five rules appear this early on in my show because you will find that I talk about them quite a lot. Or at least they are incredibly relevant to the way I work and the way I encourage other people to work.

If you don't agree with the rules and have your own then that's great. Well done. Again, I could possibly call these the "five anecdotal guidelines", but it's starting to sound more like a medical brochure now.

These are essential to all trailer composers, in fact all creative people in general. So I would (obviously) suggest you give these a listen.

Om Podcasten

This show is for the Trailer Music Composer both amateur and professional. I cover a range of topics from mindset to productivity, to creativity and production.From time to time there will be special guests giving their experience of working in the Trailer Music industry and even some aspiring composers sharing their stories from The Trailer Music School.