Captain Robert Nairac

It’s late in the evening in the three steps pub, in the small village of Dromintree in the northern Irish County of Armagh. A stranger has come into the pub, saying that he is a member of the Official IRA from West Belfast. He mingles with the locals, and at one stage leaps up on stage to sing a republican song, in front of an amused crowd. But something isn’t right. His story doesn’t make sense and as the night wears down he begins to attract the wrong type of attention.As it turns out, this stranger is Captain Robert Nairac, a British Army Officer specializing in intelligence. And at the time, he was alone in an extremely republican part of Northern Ireland, pretending to be a member of the IRA.Shortly after leaving the pub, things for Nairac took a turn for the worse and In this episode we will learn about Nairac, and what happened to him on that fateful night.

Om Podcasten

The Troubles were a period of time in Northern Ireland which many people today do not know a lot about. In this podcast we will delve into each individual bombing and attack that happened during the 30-year period. This is a non-partisan podcast that focuses solely on the facts and the accounts of the individuals involved.