The Proxy Bomb Campaign of The IRA

As British counter intelligence improved, the IRA began to think of different methods of waging war against the British Army and Northern Irish Police Force. They began using humans as bombs and this all came to a head on the night of October 24th 1990.SOURCES:Harrowing account from Patsies wife, Kathleen: regarding a proxy bomb and its use around the world: about the Irish men who trained rebels in Columbia: featuring quotes from a bishop who spoke at the funeral of one of the men: news report regarding the attacks: about Patsie's wife, Kathleen: from the fascinating documentary 'The Troubles, A Secret History' See for privacy and opt-out information.

Om Podcasten

The Troubles were a period of time in Northern Ireland which many people today do not know a lot about. In this podcast we will delve into each individual bombing and attack that happened during the 30-year period. This is a non-partisan podcast that focuses solely on the facts and the accounts of the individuals involved.