Do All Comedians Struggle with Mental Health?

Chantal Jax opens up about using humour as a coping mechanism, and the impact that it has on our ability to deal with the root cause of our mental health issues.   Socially we all have the same issues, but just on different spectrums. Jax discusses why we are all scared to admit that we actually all have the same problems. She points out that we can only deal with our struggles once we start normalizing conversations about them. However there is always a dark side as "the person who says it first, when people are not ready to hear it, will always be the person who gets the most flak for it; but that doesn't make the statement untrue". Jax discusses the new post-Covid19 reality, and why we are so scared of facing ourselves. She explains that when we avoiding talking about our problems, we can develop anxiety disorders and mental illnesses. You can find out more about Jax and her comedy show on her @jaxxjustice social media pages.  Always remember that you are not alone, and if you need help you can subscribe to our Emotique services for advice and support with mental health issues:

Om Podcasten

Emotions, love them or hate them, express them or suppress them. For years we have been taught to ignore our emotions, that we need to keep a stiff upper lip, that cowboys don't cry, that we should apologise when we express sadness anger or when we cry! In this podcast I debunk all the rubbage around feelings and emotions. I aim to share with you the wonders, the powers and the messages your emotions are sending you. To share the reasons they exist:- to guide you to your purpose, to help you to connect, to keep you safe, and more. So join me and discover the wondrous world of your emotions.