How do men really feel?

Men often feel like they can't speak about their emotions. Roland Rennie opens up about religion and growing up being indoctrinated with toxic masculinity. He discusses how your childhood moulds your emotional response to relationships and determines whether you succeed or fail. Roland reveals what he has learnt from raising 4 kids, and how raising them with love was the best thing he could have done. Please share this video to help normalise men speaking about their emotions.  To find out more you can visit or join our Emotique group for emotional advice.

Om Podcasten

Emotions, love them or hate them, express them or suppress them. For years we have been taught to ignore our emotions, that we need to keep a stiff upper lip, that cowboys don't cry, that we should apologise when we express sadness anger or when we cry! In this podcast I debunk all the rubbage around feelings and emotions. I aim to share with you the wonders, the powers and the messages your emotions are sending you. To share the reasons they exist:- to guide you to your purpose, to help you to connect, to keep you safe, and more. So join me and discover the wondrous world of your emotions.