How to NOT Re-Traumatise Victims of Trauma

Saya Pierce-Jones speaks to us today about her experience in journalism and how she has learnt to approach victims of trauma in a way that will not make them relive their pain. Saying explains how the justice systems lacks empathy, and how journalists have the responsibility to tell a traumatic story without re-traumatising the victim. Saya also delves into victim blaming, and how society often protects the abuser. She says, "the amount of false accusations about sexual violence pales in significance when compared with the truths that are being told, and truths that are not being believed".  This is such an important discussion that needs to be started. Please leave your comments about this episode below, we will love to hear your opinion on this topic.  If you need help dealing with emotional trauma, or learning how to love yourself again after experiencing trauma, then please reach out.  You can join our Emotique group where you will have access to EQ coaches and psychologists here: If you would like more personalised one-on-one coaching then please book your session with one of our qualified EQ coaches here:  not to re-traumatise, victim blaming, how to empathetically speak about trauma end re-empower those who have been abused. specialised courts. let justice prevail .

Om Podcasten

Emotions, love them or hate them, express them or suppress them. For years we have been taught to ignore our emotions, that we need to keep a stiff upper lip, that cowboys don't cry, that we should apologise when we express sadness anger or when we cry! In this podcast I debunk all the rubbage around feelings and emotions. I aim to share with you the wonders, the powers and the messages your emotions are sending you. To share the reasons they exist:- to guide you to your purpose, to help you to connect, to keep you safe, and more. So join me and discover the wondrous world of your emotions.