I gave up my life of ROYALTY and RICHES to Escape the Abuse

Frida Bruhn wanted to live as many lives as possible, so she became an actress. The one role she was not ready to play was that of an abused wife. Frida explains the thoughts of someone in an abused relationship, and shares the lessons she has learnt now that she is out. Please find Deborah McPhilemy's 10 step plan to getting out of an abusive relationship available for download here: https://www.eqforall.org/courses/the-relationship-magnet   Always remember that you are not alone!   You can contact Frida here:    Website: www.fridabruhn.com

Om Podcasten

Emotions, love them or hate them, express them or suppress them. For years we have been taught to ignore our emotions, that we need to keep a stiff upper lip, that cowboys don't cry, that we should apologise when we express sadness anger or when we cry! In this podcast I debunk all the rubbage around feelings and emotions. I aim to share with you the wonders, the powers and the messages your emotions are sending you. To share the reasons they exist:- to guide you to your purpose, to help you to connect, to keep you safe, and more. So join me and discover the wondrous world of your emotions.