116 - More Money More Problems
In today’s episode we are diving into and dissecting the saying of, “more money, more problems.” We will find out more about it, what it means and the results of it. We also look into the idea that, “money is the root of all evil.” It is a must-watch. We also go over a range of other topics including what it takes to be happy, why someone would become depressed, the 9-5 viewpoint most people have versus what it should be, the size of problems, and what solves any problem. Finally we give you a gift! We give you two parts of the exclusive Inner Circle completely free! These two lessons are generally available to only a very small group of people, but because of how powerful and important they are we decided that everyone needs to see them. Do no miss out on these! Go to www.GProsperity.com/innercircleto get it completely free. Enjoy!