149 - Handle The Narcissist In Your Life

In today’s episode we discuss the concept of narcissism. Narcissism is a word that has gained popularity in recent times and is being used more often in contemporary society. We delve in deeper and ask what narcissism is and discuss the method for diagnosing mental disorders.     How can we handle a person who is manipulative? What can be done to recover a person from having a victim mentality? What is the best way to heal from an abusive relationship? All these questions will be answered along with much more. Meir unpacks the definition of a narcissist, looks at the fallacies that exist in the fields of psychology and psychiatry, and the method for creating a strong and resilient society.    Enjoy this episode!

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Meir Ezra is a spiritual entrepreneur - a unique thinker who has achieved success across the areas of life. In this podcast, he dives deeper into what made him a successful businessman, investor, philanthropist, father, husband of 35 years and teacher to many. You can expect answers you've never heard before to some of life's difficult questions, covering topics which will truly help you apply tools in your day to day life. Follow Meir On: Instagram: @MeirEzraOfficial FB: @MeirEzra Website: www.MeirEzra.com