189 - What Is Right And What Is Wrong In War

RIGHT AND WRONG IN ANY WAR Today we are talking about a major topic. The world currently is crazy everywhere and thus our topic, WAR. From a fast approaching World War to the Middle East to the wars you have in your day to day life... How do you find what is right and what is wrong in a devastating solution that seems to have no hope? Take a look and see. We also talk about the Soul Coffee. People are basically being bombarded with things that make them insane to a greater or lesser degree in their lives. The Soul Coffee was created to counteract that bombardment and get daily truths that are so needed in this lying society. Join the soul coffee today. www.GProsperity.com/drinksoulcoffee

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Meir Ezra is a spiritual entrepreneur - a unique thinker who has achieved success across the areas of life. In this podcast, he dives deeper into what made him a successful businessman, investor, philanthropist, father, husband of 35 years and teacher to many. You can expect answers you've never heard before to some of life's difficult questions, covering topics which will truly help you apply tools in your day to day life. Follow Meir On: Instagram: @MeirEzraOfficial FB: @MeirEzra Website: www.MeirEzra.com