83 - Handle The Noise Of Life
In today’s amazing podcast, we will be looking at the topic of noise and how you can handle it. Although noise is a huge topic, you can get three tips that will improve your life by an order of magnitude when applied. We will also look at many other sides to this topic to get a better, broader understanding. In this episode we will learn that you never have a shortage of time, you have too many thieves of time. You never have shortage of money, you have too many things that steal your money that you don’t know. You don’t have a shortage of customers, you have things that steal your customers. All those things that steal from you fall under the heading of noise. You need to realize what’s going on and handle it. What will always prevent your happiness? What will actually bring joy to people? What do you need to do to bring that happiness and joy to your life? Find out that this universe does not have “no change”. Things are always going up or down. What is changing around you? What do you need to do to improve? What happens to the noise? If you don’t improve what will be the end result? Why will the simplest things become difficult for you? Fully understand what’s going on in the mind when you don’t handle something right away. What happens every time you start something and don’t get it to a completion? What happens to your computing power? Understand the mechanism so that you can handle it. Get a look into the income booster! The key points of many sales webinars were extracted and formulated into a concise webinar which will take you from being mediocre to being extremely capable. Don’t miss out on it. Enjoy this episode!