AI and the G7

CSIS’s Gregory C. Allen joins the podcast to discuss why the Group of Seven Nations (G7) are headed into new territory discussing AI, how they should attempt to regulate it, and creating a framework for addressing the challenges going forward.  Allen is the director of CSIS’ Wadhwani Center for AI and Technology. Allen is also director of the CSIS AI Council co-chaired by Accenture CEO Julie Sweet and Microsoft President Brad Smith. In April, the Council released its report, “Advancing Cooperative AI Governance at the 2023 G7 Summit”

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Many of us have questions about global issues and not a lot of places to turn to for reliable and thoughtful answers. In The Truth of the Matter, hosts Bob Schieffer and Andrew Schwartz breakdown complex policy issues of the day. No Spin, No Bombast, No finger pointing. Just informed discussion.