Interdimensional Beings: Aliens, Angels & Demons

Are UFO's and Aliens demonic entities? this episode, TruthSeekah and Arien tackle the topic of UFO's and Aliens.We talk about what people believe and we reference the recent interview where Joe Rogan interviewed Tucker Carlson and share some of what they talked about and give our thoughts on the subject. UFO's are not always to be feared. You need to investigate how they make you feel and the fruit that comes forth in your life after having such encounters. We also share some of our most profound encounters and experiences, and we also talk about a new supplement we are taking that we absolutely LOVE for mental focus and clarity. Are UFO's just nuts and bolts ships that are government testing of some sort, or could it be possible that they are living breathing entities, like angels or demons? Listen to this episode to get all of the details and let us know what your thoughts are on the matter.  Thanks as always for being here! We appreciate you so much! *Check out our friends at Magic Mind! They have a limited offer you can use now, that gets you up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off one time purchases with code TRUTHSEEKAH20 at checkout!*Get tickets to our INSPIRIA event! An Amazing Three Day Christocentric Immersion- Click Here for INSPIRIA

Om Podcasten

A Podcast about Spiritual, Esoteric, Metaphysical and Supernatural topics... oh, UFOs and Aliens also. We leave no stone unturned. Angels, Aliens, Near-Death Experiences and everything else concerning the spirit world. TruthSeekah is a visionary hip hop artist, author and speaker and is also the host of The TruthSeekah Podcast, a weekly show that discusses spiritual, esoteric and metaphysical topics and is designed to help you grow on your spiritual journey.