How Lisa Mayer and Randi Zuckerberg are Breaking Barriers for Women in Web3

In our first ever two-guest episode, Anu sits down with portfolio founder Lisa Mayer of Boss Beauties, a women-led global NFT initiative with huge momentum, alongside fellow Boss Beauties strategic investor Randi Zuckerberg. Lisa and Randi give listeners a crash course in the world of NFTs, discuss their shared passion for mentorship in the metaverse, and share onboarding advice for founders, investors, and newcomers who feel overwhelmed with where to start in their Web3 education.

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Historically less than 2% of venture capital funding has gone to female founded companies. Hosted by founding partner Anu Duggal, The Two Percent by Female Founders Fund is dedicated to highlighting stories of powerful CEO’s, founders, investors and industry leaders who are changing this dynamic, both as female founders and female funders.