Reimagining the Ointment Aisle from a Gen Z POV with Olamide Olowe of Topicals

Today’s guest is Olamide Olowe, Co-Founder & CEO of Topicals – the Gen-Z brand reimagining the ointment aisle with effective science-backed products and mental health advocacy – and the youngest Black woman to raise over $2M in funding. Olamide shares how she built a go-to-market strategy around her own experiences with chronic skin conditions, why storytelling is the greatest growth hack, and her best community building lessons for consumer brands.

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Historically less than 2% of venture capital funding has gone to female founded companies. Hosted by founding partner Anu Duggal, The Two Percent by Female Founders Fund is dedicated to highlighting stories of powerful CEO’s, founders, investors and industry leaders who are changing this dynamic, both as female founders and female funders.