003: Better Than Piracy

This week on Ask Lifehacker we're not talking about the new iPad, but what we'd buy instead. Firefox 11 finally brings add-on sync and March Madness proves that piracy isn't always the best option when you want to watch TV online. Also, we'll extend a Wi-Fi signal from a house to a barn, figure out a use for OS X's dashboard, and start training for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Om Podcasten

Each week, Jordan Calhoun and Meghan Walbert of Lifehacker brings in all-star guests to tackle the stuff that matters—like how to be happy, how to buy a TV, how to be less bad with money and how to tell if you’re dating a psychopath. Look, you're doing great, but quite frankly we think you can be a little better. All your friends do too. It's time for The Upgrade.