Disaster Survival, Cable Wrangling, Online Guitar Lessons, and Better Cooking in the Microwave

This week on the podcast we’re discussing Facebook’s new graph search, how to survive natural disasters, and how to microwave food without ruining it. We’re also answering your questions about using multiple calendars, learning guitar online, and much more. Looking for the show notes? You can find this episode at http://lifehacker.com/5976745 (after 5:00 PM PT) and all episodes at http://lifehacker.com/theshow (anytime). Also, you can watch the recorded live (unedited) broadcast here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ICuodsCQg4

Om Podcasten

Each week, Jordan Calhoun and Meghan Walbert of Lifehacker brings in all-star guests to tackle the stuff that matters—like how to be happy, how to buy a TV, how to be less bad with money and how to tell if you’re dating a psychopath. Look, you're doing great, but quite frankly we think you can be a little better. All your friends do too. It's time for The Upgrade.