How to Fight Hackers, With Former Black-Hat Hacker Hector Monsegur

The Equifax hack has made one thing clear: all of us are vulnerable to these kinds of attacks. But how can you keep your information (and money) safe? What steps should you take to protect yourself? To find out, we brought in Hector Monsegur, former black-hat hacker, now Director of Assessment Services at Rhino Labs—and one of our favorite guests from the past year. He tells us what companies like Equifax should do to keep us safe(r), who he thinks might be behind it, what we should look out for after an attack, and how we can prevent hacks like this one from causing too much damage.

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Each week, Jordan Calhoun and Meghan Walbert of Lifehacker brings in all-star guests to tackle the stuff that matters—like how to be happy, how to buy a TV, how to be less bad with money and how to tell if you’re dating a psychopath. Look, you're doing great, but quite frankly we think you can be a little better. All your friends do too. It's time for The Upgrade.