How to Hack Happiness With Gretchen Rubin (RECAST)

Gretchen Rubin practically invented the concept of hacking your happiness. She's the author of The Happiness Project, host of the podcast Happier with Grethen Rubin, and for years has been exploring the good habits that bring joy to everyday life. She's here to chat about how we can get happy and stay that way. You can find the show notes and all episodes at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Each week, Jordan Calhoun and Meghan Walbert of Lifehacker brings in all-star guests to tackle the stuff that matters—like how to be happy, how to buy a TV, how to be less bad with money and how to tell if you’re dating a psychopath. Look, you're doing great, but quite frankly we think you can be a little better. All your friends do too. It's time for The Upgrade.