A professional adventurer realizes his vision of a community homestead in the North Maine Woods | Daniel White @theblackalachian

I’m excited for you to hear my conversation with Daniel White - homesteader, explorer, and all-around trailblazer. Originally from Ashville, NC, Daniel grew up a city boy. Yet, deep down, he always had a desire to live closer to the natural world.Daniel dropped out of high school at 16 and in his mid 20s took a job as an electrician. He spent over half a decade working 60 plus hour work weeks. At 31, he boarded his first airplane and immediately got the travel bug. After a bad break up he dec...

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We are in the midst of a Great Awakening. In this uncertain world, people are changing course and getting back to their roots. This movement is happening all over the world. This is the Urban Exodus.Urban Exodus shares honest and inspiring stories of life transitions and transformations. It offers wisdom and practical advice for country dreamers, rural folk, and urban-dwellers alike, who want to feel more connected to the natural world and the purpose and choices in their lives.