Episode 246 Jaime's Precipitous HBAC + Protecting Your Space

After finding wonderfully supportive midwives who were willing to deliver a breech baby at home, Jaime was sure that her first delivery would be peaceful and empowering. Things quickly turned traumatic, however, when she developed a fever and was rushed to the hospital where she was treated poorly and sent straight to the OR.It took seven years for Jaime to finally get to a peaceful place where she felt ready to birth again. Jaime shares her different approaches to this birth and how she found the courage to prepare for another home birth. Jaime was able to stay grounded, present, and in control during her labor and delivery, allowing her to achieve the beautiful HBAC she desired!Additional LinksBirthing From Within by Pam England and Rob HorowitzReclaiming Childbirth as a Rite of Passage by Rachel ReedHow to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for ParentsThe VBAC Link Facebook CommunityFull Transcript under Episode DetailsMeagan: Hello, Women of Strength. It is another day for another amazing story. We have our friend, Jaime, here and she is from Nashville, Tennessee so if you are from Nashville, Tennessee, you’re going to want to listen up. I know that people have been wanting to know where some of our listeners are coming from because they are looking for providers and hospitals and all of the things like that in their area. So today is coming from Tennessee. She had kind of a traumatic birth which a lot of us do and then was able to set a good path and redeem her story with a VBAC. We are so excited to be sharing this story with you guys today from Jaime but of course, we have a Review of the Week. We could never go without sharing one of these amazing reviews, you guys. Review of the WeekThis is from Apple Podcasts and it’s from erind39. The subject is, “Planning Second VBAC with Confidence.” It says, “I am planning my second VBAC in July and I’m so happy that this podcast is back.” This was actually left in 2022 so last year when we came back. That was awesome. It says, “The VBAC Link is a great resource for anyone considering a VBAC. The stories are empowering and the data presented is affirming. I feel like I am so well-prepared for my second VBAC and have this podcast to thank.”Erin, thank you. We have you to thank for leaving this amazing review and if you guys haven’t had a chance, drop a review for us. We love them. We absolutely love them. We read them on the podcast. We have our amazing crew that drops them into this amazing spreadsheet. I see them and seriously with some of these reviews, I bawl. They are so long and so detailed and so amazing. I get chills and I bawl. So thank you, all for leaving your reviews. Jaime’s StoriesMeagan: Okay, Jaime. Welcome to the show. Jaime: Thank you for having me. Meagan: Thank you. I am excited for you to share your stories and talk more about– well, we’re going to talk more about your story but not get discouraged along the way. So let’s talk about it. Tell us where it all began. Jaime: Yeah, so Eloise is my first daughter who is now 7. We have a very large gap between kids but Eloise’s birth was like you said, pretty traumatic for me in a lot of different ways. We wanted to do a home birth with her which off the bat, I’m just a crazy person for wanting to do a home birth. We were in Michigan at the time. I was pretty gung-ho about it. I felt very prepared. Maybe midway through my pregnancy, she ended up being breech. There were a lot of things that we tried to do to get her to flip. I spent a lot of time and energy worrying that she was a breech baby and what I was going to do. My midwives were like, “If you’re comfortable doing a breech, we’re comfortable doing a breech.” Meagan: Oh wow. That’s amazing. This is in Michigan. Jaime: Yeah, it was. It was in Michigan. So they literally handed me their midwifery books which are three inches thick, two of them. They were like, “Read this section.” So they had me read everything about breech birth in their midwifery books. I feel like I’m still overeducated on breech birth just from doing that. Meagan: Yeah, that’s amazing actually, though that you had that opportunity. Jaime: Yeah, so they were like, “After you read this if you’re comfortable doing a breech birth, we’re comfortable doing it too.” I read through everything and I was like, “Yeah, okay. This feels good.” It was. She was born in 2016 and it’s crazy to say this, but the information we have available today was not like what it was back in 2016. Just having those books, I didn’t have any other resources to really go to for breech birth or home birth or anything like that. But yeah. So I was comfortable doing it. I knew from reading if one single thing went wrong, that I was going to be going to the hospital. That was the midwifery thing. Typically, you’ve got multiple chances in a regular, normal pregnancy but with breech, it was one thing. So I go into labor. We had thought she flipped, but then I had my waters break and then it was all meconium. I was like, “Umm, I think she is still breech.” From there, I was kind of freaking out. I ended up getting a fever and one of the assistants walked in and she was like, “How are you feeling?” I’m like, “I feel awful. I just feel sick. I have chills. I don’t feel normal. This doesn’t feel good.” Her jaw hit the floor. I’m like, “Oh no. What did I say?” She took my temperature immediately and she was like, “You’ve got a fever.” They tried to get it down. They gave me one hour to get it reduced to a normal temperature and it wouldn’t. I knew right away that we were going to the hospital. We ended up in the hospital. Michigan isn’t very friendly when it comes to home births and midwives. I know everyone’s been working on that relationship between hospitals and midwives, but Michigan at the time had no cooperation. So we just had a really bad experience. We are there. The doctor at one point is like, “You’re going to be put under,” when the whole time, everyone else was telling me I was going to be awake. Then he comes in– I basically said, “I would like to hold my baby. I would like skin-to-skin as soon as possible.” Then he’s like, “Well, that’s not possible.” I’m like, “What do you mean?” He goes, “Well, you’re going to be put under.” I was just like, “What? What are you talking about?” My husband looks at me and he’s like, “Are you okay with that?” I was not trying to be any sort of way when I said this, but I just was like, “I don’t really think I have a choice.” I was just saying, “I have to be okay with it because I don’t have a choice.” I wasn’t being snarky. The doctor was like, “You have a choice.” I was like, “Oh my gosh, I do? Tell me more about my choice.” He basically looked me dead in the eyes and he goes, “You can leave.” I was like, “What?” So it was just a really traumatic experience. I had the C-section. I got to be awake which was great, but Eloise ended up being in the NICU for 10 days. It just felt like we were trapped. We had CPS called on us. Meagan: Stop it. Are you serious?Jaime: There was a lot. There was a lot happening. It’s like the horror story that you think of when you hear someone trying to have a home birth and then they end up in the hospital and anything that could go wrong went wrong. Eloise is perfectly healthy. It was just the dynamic of it all that went wrong, I guess, is what I’m trying to say. But yeah. I had a lot to work through. We didn’t get pregnant for the longest time. I had no desire, really, because I just was terrified. I’m like, “I don’t want to experience this again. I don’t know what’s going to happen.” It wasn’t necessarily a bodily thing where I was feeling like my body failed me, it was more so just true traumatic, mental PTSD I guess. I’m not really sure how to put it. We got pregnant in 2020. I had a miscarriage with that baby, but when I found out I was pregnant, I was immediately not ready. I was terrified. There were so many things running through my brain. I just didn’t know how to handle it. I started the course, that pregnancy course, going to an actual doctor. Off the bat, I was like, “I’m just going to go to a doctor because I don’t want anything like what happened last time to happen again. I just want to avoid all of the hoop jumping. If I’m going to end up there, I’m just going to go there from the start,” basically, was kind of my mindset.We lost that baby and then with Delaney, the new baby, we got pregnant in 2022 with her. It was just different from the get-go. I think my husband was actually more nervous this time about everything than I was but I felt just very grounded. I felt confident about it. I was like, “I want to do a home birth. I definitely don’t want to be in the hospital.” Things were still very weird with COVID so that was another big thing because I’m like, “I don’t want to be in the last hour telling me that my husband can’t be in the room,” or just weird rules like that happening around everything. So yeah, I’m like, “I’m going to do a home birth. I’m going to find a midwife.” It took me forever to find a midwife. I think I called everyone in the Nashville area and they were either busy, they were all booked up, or they wouldn’t take a VBAC, or just not a good fit. I had one lady. I get on the phone with her and she’s like, “Well, you know uterine rupture is not something to be just pushed under the rug.” I literally hung up the phone and I go to my husband Matt. I’m like, “I don’t know. I’m a crazy person. What am I doing?” Meagan: You’re not. Jaime: It just freaked me out. Yeah. So I found my midwife around 11 weeks which I felt was pretty late in the game. From that point, it was just a rollercoaster of ups and downs battling doubts within my headspace. My pregnancy from a physical standpoint was a little bit rough. I don’t know. I just felt like my body was old and not functioning well. I was the person that couldn’t tie their shoes towards the end. I couldn’t wear any rings because all of my fingers were so swollen and everything. It was just a rough pregnancy physically compared to my first, but also, just dealing with the mental aspect of everything, I would be super confident one day that I’m going to do this and I’m going to have this home birth– not even a home birth, but just have a VBAC. Like, “I can do this. We were made to do this,” and then the next day, I’m like, “What am I doing? Who wants to do this? Maybe I should just sign up for a C-section again.” Meagan: Just all over the place emotionally. That’s so real though. So many of us doing that. One day, we’re like, “Yes.” The next day, we’re like, “What am I doing? Is this right?” and questioning ourselves. Jaime: Yep. Yeah. 100%. So I really went into this birth. I tried to protect my energy as much as I could. I didn’t tell a lot of people I was trying to have a home birth because it was already enough trying to do a VBAC. It was already weird enough. I’m like, “I don’t want to tell everyone what I’m doing. No one needs to know what my birth plan is besides the people that really matter.” I read a couple of books that I felt were really pivotal for me. One was Birthing From Within by Pam England. I didn’t even finish the whole book. I got through one chapter but it changed my life because, in the beginning, she says that every woman has a question that needs to be answered before they can birth their child. You might find your answer to your question during pregnancy or you might find it in transition or you might find it when you’re about to push the baby out. She basically was like, “What is your question? When you think you have your question, you have to dig a little bit deeper because that’s probably not your question. Your question is underneath that question.” So I spent 7 months trying to find my question and at the end of it, it felt like it wasn’t so much a question, but I felt that I was punished anytime I tried to go outside of the norm of what society deemed normal. That was my big, pivotal thing where I was like, “Wow. I can do this. That is a lie believing that I am going to be punished for trying to do something abnormal.” There was another birth, Reclaiming Childbirth as a Rite of Passage by Rachel Reed. The whole beginning of the book was talking about “herstories”, so history but for women, “herstory”. Rachel is a medical doctor. She is an MD and I felt like this book wasn’t super crunchy and it wasn’t super medicalized. It was very much right in the middle which I felt was what I needed to hear. I didn’t feel like she was biased in one way or another but she laid the facts out of where we started to how we got to where we are now within the birthing industry. It helped me to realize. I knew this already going into it, but it helped me to realize that I actually had really deep-rooted, preconceived ideas about what birth was just from how I’ve grown up in the society that I’ve grown up in watching movies, listening to stories, and all of the stuff that we just see on TV. Birth is this crazy thing that happens. The woman is always out of control. The doctor is always there to save the day, all that kind of stuff. I was like, “Wow. I have these opinions of things that aren’t even my opinions. They’ve just been given to me from movies and society and culture.” It really helped to weed through some fear that I was having realizing that I don’t have to have this anymore. I don’t have to believe this because it’s not my story. It’s not even real, actually. It’s just culture. So those were the two big things. And then obviously, I found your podcast. I also started listening to a free birth podcast. I had no desire in my life to ever free birth ever, but I had read something on Instagram that was like, “If you’re preparing for birth, prepare to do a free birth so that way, you are aware of everything that could happen and what you can do to go through obstacles or you know the steps and the phases that you’ll go through when you’re in labor.” So basically, be overprepared even though you’re going to have people there to help you. That helped a lot. I just listened to everything I could about any positive experience of someone having a VBAC. I hired a doula not for any other reason other than it would increase my odds of having a successful VBAC. I still joke to this day that I have no idea what a doula actually does, but I hired one. It helped me have a VBAC, I just think, by doing that. I was just doing all of the things that I could come up with to try and get my head in the right spot and to set myself up for success. I did The Bradley Method with my first daughter and Bradley Method is like a 12-week course if you’re not familiar. It is hours long so it is very in-depth. But I found this lady on TikTok and I took her virtual train-for-birth class. Her name is Crisha Crosley. It was, I kid you not. I think it was an hour and a half and it was the most informative thing I’ve ever done. It helped me. The whole premise is “Train for Birth” so movements and different things that you can do to become ready to birth your child, to get the baby in the right position, pushing, how to push, and different things to do while you’re in labor so when I actually went into labor, she was in the forefront of my mind of, “Okay, I can’t stay in this position for too long. Let me go to the bathroom every 5 seconds. Make sure I’m drinking my water,” lots of movements when I was actually in labor. It was all because I took that class. It was amazing. That was around 38 weeks when I took that class. My brother and his wife, so my brother, Michael, and Ashley came when I was around 40 weeks because Ashley was going to help with Eloise during the birth. All in between that, I’m curb walking. I’m on the ball doing figure 8’s. Just to backtrack a little bit, when I hit 37 weeks just to give you an idea of where I was at, I went to Costco and ran into one of my midwives. She’s like, “How are you doing?” Because I’m like, “I’m so depressed. It’s 37 weeks and I haven’t had this baby.” I just was in my brain, I’m like, “Okay, it’s 37 weeks so it means I can have the baby when I haven’t had the baby yet. I need this baby out of me. It’s time to go.” She’s like, “What? You’re depressed?” I’m like, “I’m kidding, sort of. But yeah, I want to have this baby.”Meagan: You’re like, “I really just wish I could have this baby right now.” Jaime: Yeah. Yes. So yeah. We’re nearing the end. My brother and sister-in-law come around 40 weeks to help with Eloise. Delaney, the new baby, was LOA if that’s right. She was on the left side. Meagan: Left occiput anterior. Jaime: Yeah. I think the optimal is ROA. Is that correct? Meagan: Well, it really depends but LOA– so it moves the uterus usually clockwise. LOA is really good actually because then they just kind of go forward and down. But it all depends on the shape of our pelvis too. Some babies need to enter a ROA position. Some of them need to actually enter posterior which is frustrating that we have posterior in any sort of labor, but sometimes that is how. So yeah, LOA is a really great position. Jaime: Okay, then she must have been the other way. She must have been ROA and I was trying to get her to go to the left, LOA. Yeah. I was trying to do movements to give her some space so she could turn. The midwife told me that the right side is okay, but the optimal would be LOA because it’s just easiest. When you said posterior, that reminded me that I was actually very nervous about back labor because I had felt like every podcast I listened to where someone was having a VBAC, all they ever talked about was back labor so I was just terrified of it. On top of doing a VBAC, if that’s not hard enough, I’m going to deal with back labor and all of this stuff. That didn’t happen to me at all. I had no back labor so it was perfect. In Tennessee, my midwives were licensed by the state. They cannot help me past 42 weeks due to their licensure. We were nearing the end. I had a clock ticking. My brother and Ashley were here which was stressing me out, not in a bad way, but I was kind of under a clock if that makes sense. I’m like, “I need to have this baby because they are here and then I need to have this baby because I’m nearing 42 weeks and at that point, I’m either going to be a crazy person and do unassisted which doesn’t make you crazy, or I’m going to have to go to a hospital. Those are my two options because I can’t do it with them.” Then she wanted me to do that test where they test for movement, heart rate, and practice breaths or something like that. I needed to do that in my 41st week just to show if something happened early 42 weeks, that it was okay for me to birth at home with them still. I scheduled that for Friday, so September 2nd. I reluctantly scheduled it. I was like, “Fine. I’m just going to put it on the books and see what happens.” Then my brother actually had to leave on Sunday to go. My brother leaves on Sunday to go do an interview. Delaney is born on Thursday. I scheduled that test for the next day on Friday. The next Sunday was my 42nd, so that was my hard out if that timeline makes sense.Meagan: Yeah, yeah. Jaime: Michael, my brother, left to do an interview that they scheduled for him that Monday then he was going to come immediately back. He’s like, “If I miss this birth, I’m going to be so mad.” Then Sunday, Ashley and my husband and my daughter, and I went to the splash pad. That was the first day I had a contraction where I was like, “Oh, okay. Something is happening.” I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to be put under a clock or to feel pressure to have this baby when I wasn’t ready or anything like that. I just kept to myself. I had a couple of contractions Sunday and then that just led to me having contractions every single night. It was all night, every night and then it would die off in the early, early morning. Meagan: Prodromal labor. Jaime: Yeah. I’d get a few hours of sleep so I’m just getting exhausted. I told Ashley actually maybe Monday or something. She woke up Tuesday and was like, “So, did Jaime have any more contractions?” She was asking my husband. I didn’t even tell my husband this. My husband was like, “She was having contractions? What are you talking about?” I literally kept everything. My lips were sealed. I kept everything to myself. I texted my midwife on Tuesday. So Sunday I had no sleep. Monday, I had no sleep. I texted her Tuesday and I’m like, “Hey. I’ve been having contractions. Nothing is sticking around. Everything stops. I have nothing all day and then it starts again at night.” She’s like, “Cool. Nothing to worry about. Everything is normal. Sounds good. No big deal.” My brother did make it back because he came back Monday evening so he was here for everything. Then Wednesday was my absolute breaking point. Wednesday comes. Michael and my husband go shooting and then the girls, all of us, go to this park just to hang out. I had a massive contraction as we were leaving that stopped me in my tracks. I literally just hung back and I’m like, “Yeah, you guys just keep walking. Go ahead and I’ll just meet you there in a second.” I’m just stopped in the middle of everything. Ashley, my sister-in-law is like, “Okay.” They just keep walking to the car and then I catch up later. She’s like, “So I think we want to go to the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner.” In my head, I’m like, “I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make it.” I’m emotionally at the end of my limits and then physically also, the contractions were intense, but it was more an emotional thing where I’m like, “I can’t do this again. I’m going to have another sleepless night. It’s already starting. It’s 5:00. This is awful.” We go to the grocery store and it was my full focus just to not have a mental breakdown and start hysterically sobbing in the middle of the grocery store. We go. I make it through and we get home. I immediately go upstairs just to be alone. I put a movie on to start watching and have these random contractions that happen. Looking back, it’s funny because in the first stage of labor, they always say that the woman goes into a cave and wants to be alone. In my brain, I was ready. I’m like, “I’m going to pay attention so I can see the signs and make sure that I know I’m going into labor.” It never once crossed my mind that I was entering a cave to be by myself. It never crossed my mind. I just was thinking, “I’m going to have another sleepless night and I’m drained emotionally.” I think I cried, then dinner was ready. It’s 6:00 so I go downstairs. I shovel dinner into my mouth and then have another massive contraction at the table. I sit there silently then I’m like, “I’m going upstairs.” I run back upstairs and literally, I put this movie back on and I’m in hysterics. I’m sobbing uncontrollably. I just don’t know that I can do this again. I get very crazy when I don’t have any sleep. I just was future thinking about how this night was going to go where I’m going to have these crazy contractions and then I’m not going to sleep on top of it. I was just a mess. I go back upstairs. I have a couple of breakdowns. I’m extremely exhausted. I started timing my first contractions around 7:06. Not my first contraction, but my first timed one where I was like, “Maybe I should see what’s happening here.” Delaney was born at 1:20 AM so it was six hours from start to finish basically. Meagan: Wow. Jaime: Nothing was consistent whatsoever. I’m upstairs with the peanut ball doing all of the moves trying to go through the Miles Circuit to make sure she’s in the right position and all of that stuff. I texted the night midwife. They have a 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM and then a 7P to 7A so depending on when I went into labor is who I’d be talking to. So I texted the night midwife around 8:30 with a picture of my contractions, my timed-out stuff. I wanted to take Benadryl so I could go to sleep. I’m like, “Is it okay if I take Benadryl? Will I be okay? I just don’t know if it picks up, am I going to be exhausted and trying to push a baby out?” She’s like, “No. If you take a Benadryl and you actually go into labor, you’re going to be fine. Trust me.” I was like, “Okay.” She’s like, “Take a bath then if things slow down, go to sleep. Try to get some rest. If they don’t slow down, call me and let me know.”So I took a bath. Nothing really happened. I kicked my husband out of the room multiple times because I just wanted to be by myself. I don’t think I let him stay until 9:30-10:00 at night. I was waiting for these clues. I lost my mucus plug. I don’t even know if this is accurate but in my brain, that meant I was around 3 centimeters. My husband was like, “Do you want me to call someone?” I’m like, “No. I’m 3 centimeters if anything so I’ve got 24 hours of labor to go. I’m in trouble, basically,” is what I was thinking. I was waiting for my bloody show which meant I’d be 5 centimeters. Again, I don’t know if that’s accurate but that is just what was in my brain. Almost immediately after I lost my mucus plug, within an hour– it felt way more immediate than that– but within an hour, I had bloody show happening all over the place. My doula was an hour away. I’m like, “Okay. Fine. Call the doula.” This is me caving to my husband. I’m like, “Call the doula. She’s an hour away so just have her come, I guess.” He calls the doula and in my brain, I’m like, “I hope I’m still in labor when she comes here.” I just was very nervous that everyone was going to get to the house and then I was either going to stall out or this wasn’t really it and then they’re all going to leave and I had wasted everyone’s time or they’re all just sitting around twiddling their thumbs watching me go through labor. I did not want that to happen at all. But he calls the doula and talks with her. She says, “Okay.” Then he calls her again. She hears me in the background and she’s like, “Okay, I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m on my way.” So that happened. I’m telling Matt. I’m like, “Can you go fill up the tub, please? Not so I can have a baby in the tub but just so I can get some relief,” because again, I’m thinking I’m going to be here for many, many more hours. He calls the midwife and tells her that the doula is on the way just to give her an update. That’s probably around 11:30. She was like, “Okay, great. Let me know when you need me to come.” He goes down, fills the tub up, and then comes back upstairs. Again, time is lost in this space. He comes back upstairs, calls the midwife again, and the midwife hears me in the background and she is like, “I’m on my way,” and then just hangs up. She was only 30 minutes from us, so she hears me and she’s like, “Oh my gosh. I’m coming.” At that point, I’m trying to go down the stairs. It takes me three full contractions to get down the stairs. Matt’s talking to the doula. She’s like, “Does she feel pushy?” I’m like, “I don’t know what pushy feels like because I’ve never done this before.” At some point on the stairs, I felt Delaney change position. I don’t really know how else to say it, but it just felt like she dropped down and was right there. I’m still not thinking I’m about to have a baby. Even that, I’m just like, “Okay. I’m in it for the long haul here.” Meagan: Right. Jaime: I finally get down the stairs. I get in the tub again, just to find relief. I’m not trying to have a baby here. Matt’s trying to make a smoothie. I’m chaotic. I was not a calm laboring person. I was very loud. At this point, when the bloody show happened, I stopped timing the contractions at 11:32 PM. At that point, I was just like, “Forget it. I don’t care.” But then when the bloody show happened, it was one on top of another on top of another on top of another and I had no relief, nothing whatsoever. It was wild. I get into the tub. I’m yelling every time a contraction comes. Matt’s trying to make a smoothie and I’m yelling, “I need you here right now.” My daughter is crying because I’m being so loud. I get into the tub and I had three contractions in the tub. On the second contraction, I push her head out. I’m just like, “I’m having a baby.” The coolest part about it was that there was no fear. It was very natural, very primal. I never for once thought, “Oh my gosh. No one is here yet and I’m pushing this baby out.” I get her head out and my brother is right there. He sees the head and he’s like, “Jaime, the head is out. You’ve got to push the rest of the baby out now,” because he’s thinking that the head is out and she’s drowning underwater. I’m just like, “No. It’s okay. It’s okay.” I have all of these things in my brain from what the midwives had told me. I’m like, “Okay. So I birthed her underwater so I have to stay underwater. I can’t get out and go back in.” I have all of these things going through my head. The next contraction comes and she’s out and on my chest. No one was there except my brother, Ashley, my husband, and my daughter. The midwife walked in literally one minute after she was born, then the doula ran in, and then the assistant ran in. Meagan: The whole team, boom. Jaime: Yeah, so it was one after another and everyone walks in with their jaws on the ground like, “What just happened?” I’m like, “I don’t know. We just had a baby and here we are.” So that’s my VBAC story. I did it and it was great. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. It would have been nice to have a team of people there, but that wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. It worked out perfectly. Meagan: That’s okay. Yeah. I’m so glad. I love how your brother is like, “Uhh.” Jaime: It’s time to go. You’ve got to get the rest out. Meagan: Yeah, but you would see that and that would make sense. Jaime: Yeah. Yep. Meagan: Oh my gosh. I love that. So first of all, huge congratulations. Jaime: Thank you. Meagan: So awesome. So, so awesome. And yeah, let’s talk about overcoming your fears. Talking about your first birth, CPS, all of the things. Yeah, you have options. Oh yeah, let me tell you my options. Go. Leave. You have no options other than to leave. Jaime: Yeah. Yeah. Meagan: So much surrounded it that could have carried forward in this next birth. What are some tips for the listeners that you would give? You were reading. You were taking this course. What other types of things would you say are some key components to overcoming your fears and getting to the point where you were literally birthing– not alone– but you were here birthing alone? You were like, “I’ve got this. I’m strong.” So yeah. Any tips that you have?Jaime: Yeah. I mean, for me, I would suggest really, really, really protecting your energy and what that looks like– not even watching a movie with a crazy birth scene in it, not talking to people who have opinions on how you’re going to birth your baby, just trying to stay within the scope of healthy, positive stuff. Even some of the Instagram accounts will give you statistics and they are trying to be helpful, but sometimes reading those statistics send you on a spiral so it was just really trying to hone in and stay close to what you know to be true, focusing on the fact that you want to have this VBAC, that it is safe to have a VBAC, and everything else just kind of block it out. Unless it is a positive experience, don’t listen to it. Don’t talk about it. Just focus on yourself and what you’re trying to do. Meagan: Yeah. Hold onto what’s important to you because yeah. There is a lot of outside static. Like you said, right here at The VBAC Link, we are guilty of posting statistics, right? Statistics can be very helpful for some and it can be something that creates fear or angst as well. If you know that that is not something that can keep your space safe and will cause angst, then yeah. Like you said, don’t read it. Don’t look at it. Jaime: For sure. For sure. Meagan: Put it away. If you’re wanting to know those numbers to make you feel better, okay then there you go. If you’re wanting to not hear any– we’ve had listeners who are like, “We couldn’t listen to any repeat Cesarean stories because they were not what we could have in our space.” That is okay too. You can filter through. Some people are like, “I wanted to know all of the possible outcomes.” You’ve got to find what is best for you and like you said, protect your space because your space is what matters. Jaime: For sure. Meagan: Oh, well thank you so, so, so much for being with us today and sharing with us this amazing story. Totally unexpected. I bet your team was just freaking out driving. Jaime: Thank you for having me. Yeah. Meagan: I wish we could have had a dash cam looking at them or even just there to see their pattern of driving. I bet they were weaving in and out and really, really, really rushing to you.Jaime: That’s funny. Meagan: But like you said, it all worked out how it was supposed to be. All was well and here you are sharing your story and inspiring others. Jaime: Thank you. Well, thank you again so much for having me. I hope it helps. Meagan: Oh, it will. It will. ClosingWould you like to be a guest on the podcast? Tell us about your experience at thevbaclink.com/share. For more information on all things VBAC including online and in-person VBAC classes, The VBAC Link blog, and Meagan’s bio, head over to thevbaclink.com. Congratulations on starting your journey of learning and discovery with The VBAC Link.Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-vbac-link/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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Join us as we share VBAC birth stories to educate and inspire! We are a team of expert doulas trained in supporting VBAC, have had VBAC's of our own, and work extensively with VBAC women and their providers. We are here to provide detailed VBAC and Cesarean prevention stories and facts in a simple, consolidated format. When we were moms preparing to VBAC, it was stories and information like we will be sharing in this podcast that helped fine tune our intuition and build confidence in our birth preparation. We hope this does the same for you! The purpose of this podcast is to educate and inform- it is not to replace advice from any qualified medical professional.