What's a bull?

What is a bull within the dynamic of a cuckolding relationship? Join Venus as she brings clarity to the role of the bull and explains what makes a really great bull. Find out what the red flags are, learn where to find a bull, and how to choose one carefully so that the end result is completely mind blowing for all involved. This episode is really helpful for women who want to learn more about this kind of relationship dynamic, couples who are new or struggling to find the right bull, and for...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Venus Cuckoldress Podcast - a place to learn all things cuckolding for the curious, the passionate, and the sexually empowered woman who wants it all. Venus explores the ​real​ meaning of this beautiful relationship dynamic and shares her personal stories, sexy ideas, and helpful tips for singles and couples who want to navigate the cuckolding lifestyle. It’s seductive, provocative, and ​always​ informative! Visit her matchmaking service for either loving cuckolding or FLR relationships: www.VenusConnections.com Also www.venuscuckoldress.com to check out the new Queen's Quarters fan hub.