From 0 to 1 Million Pageviews in 4 Months: Starting a Successful Niche Site with Amy Duska

In order to stand out these days in the food blogging world, you have to get specific with your niche. That’s exactly why there has been a trend in the last year or so to start a second niched website and a lot of bloggers have seen success! In today’s episode we’re interviewing a food blogger who started a niched sourdough website and went from 0 to 1 million pageviews in just 4 months.  In this episode, I'll cover:  how Amy decided to start a second blog how to overcome the saturated industry getting to know your audience and solving problems the secret to Amy's site's success Connect with Madison Instagram | Website  Show Notes | Podcast Updates Web Design for Food Bloggers Connect with Amy Instagram | Website | Pinterest  

Om Podcasten

The Vine Podcast is a show designed for food bloggers who want to spend more time creating content for their audience and less time feeling overwhelmed on how to make their brand and website work for them. Each episode is designed to give you strategies and tools to build your brand and website and get back to why you started a food blog in the first place. Join host Madison Wetherill as we explore how to build a food blog that serves you and your audience.