Quarter 4 Prep You Need to Do Now

Can you believe quarter 4 is just a few weeks away? Whether you’ve been thinking about Q4 plans already or you haven’t started, this episode will walk you through a few things you should be doing right away to prep your food blog for Q4.  In this episode, I'll cover:  Plan your content Optimize your website for audience conversion Check your website for major issues Maximize your RPM Schedule website work to be done Schedule your time off Instagram | Website  Show Notes | Podcast Updates Web Design for Food Bloggers Sizzling Summer Camp - Q4 Challenge

Om Podcasten

The Vine Podcast is a show designed for food bloggers who want to spend more time creating content for their audience and less time feeling overwhelmed on how to make their brand and website work for them. Each episode is designed to give you strategies and tools to build your brand and website and get back to why you started a food blog in the first place. Join host Madison Wetherill as we explore how to build a food blog that serves you and your audience.