Time Management: How to Save Time with Batching Tasks

Batching like tasks can be a huge time saver AND can also increase your productivity by up to 40%! As bloggers, it may seem like batching tasks isn’t something that would naturally be easy to do, but there are actually many repetitive tasks food bloggers can learn to batch together to be more efficient and manage their time better. In today’s episode, I’m sharing what batch working is and how you can apply it to your food blog.  In this episode, I'll cover: What is batch working?  Time track to figure out what tasks you do often Start batching together 1-2 sets of tasks per week Resources: Time Management for Food Bloggers: Save Time with Time Tracking Time Management: Creating the Ideal Week  Instagram | Website | Show Notes Web Design for Food Bloggers

Om Podcasten

The Vine Podcast is a show designed for food bloggers who want to spend more time creating content for their audience and less time feeling overwhelmed on how to make their brand and website work for them. Each episode is designed to give you strategies and tools to build your brand and website and get back to why you started a food blog in the first place. Join host Madison Wetherill as we explore how to build a food blog that serves you and your audience.