Dr. Aaron Johnson - The Aging Voice

In this episode, I have a conversation with Dr. Aaron Johnson from NYU Langone’s Voice Center. Dr. Johnson discusses the Aging Voice, the difference of laryngeal aging between AMAB (assigned male at birth) and AFAB (assigned female at birth) structures, as well as recommendations for the aging voice, and so much more!This episode was recorded prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In the episode we discuss the PAVA Symposium, which will now be held virtually. You can find out more information Here a...

Om Podcasten

On this podcast, we interview voice and bodywork professionals to provide helpful information for overall health and optimal function of the voice. We interview SLPs, Otolaryngologists, Manual Therapists, Body Oriented Psychotherapists, Health Coaches, Fitness Instructors, Broadway Performers, Opera singers, Singer/Songwriters, Voice Teachers, Composers, Company Managers, Sports Broadcasters, and more. It is our mission to educate the professional voice user and provide knowledgable, creative, and compassionate advice to restore, regain, and create happiness and success in each vocal journey.