The Voice Of: The Dramatist | Masi Asare

In Part 5 of The Voice of Series, Christine and Kimberly interview Masi Asare as the Voice of the Dramatist. Masi Asare is a composer/lyricist, playwright, voice teacher, and performance scholar. She is assistant professor of theatre and performance studies at Northwestern University, and divides her time between New York City and Chicago.-Powerhouse women -Sympathy Jones musical -Northwestern University musical theatre-PhD -Singing while writing -Black Broadway voic...

Om Podcasten

On this podcast, we interview voice and bodywork professionals to provide helpful information for overall health and optimal function of the voice. We interview SLPs, Otolaryngologists, Manual Therapists, Body Oriented Psychotherapists, Health Coaches, Fitness Instructors, Broadway Performers, Opera singers, Singer/Songwriters, Voice Teachers, Composers, Company Managers, Sports Broadcasters, and more. It is our mission to educate the professional voice user and provide knowledgable, creative, and compassionate advice to restore, regain, and create happiness and success in each vocal journey.