022 Tips for Fitting Voice Practice Into Your Day

A few clients recently have mentioned how they feel like they struggle to find the time to do their voice work in the day. So I wanted to offer some tips for how to fit voice training into your routine without it hanging over you. Tips for Fitting Voice Practice Into Your Day:  - Tip 1 - Aim for consistency. It doesn't matter how tiny the practice, it just has to be consistent, and to become a habit. - Tip 2 - Add your voice practice habit onto another habit. Check in on your habits and see what you could co-ordinate. - Tip 3 - Little and often is more useful in many cases. Do what many pros do: split your practice time into smaller, super-concentrated chunks, working multiple times a day. - Tip 4 - Set an achievable practice goal.  - Tip 5 - Just do it. If you don't want to do it, reflect on why, what's holding you back?  - Tip 6 - Make it fun! We do the things we enjoy more readily and voice work can, and should be fun.  Okay, now I'm off to take my own advice and spend one minute lip trilling whilst I boil the kettle. I hope this inspires you to fit some voice work into your day. Resources:  - Article from NPR on effective practice https://www.npr.org/sections/deceptivecadence/2017/03/06/518777865/the-most-practical-tips-for-practicing-according-to-science?t=1620725823672 - Deliberate Practice by James Clear https://jamesclear.com/beginners-guide-deliberate-practice - Send me your questions https://nicolaredman.com/contact-accent-voice-coach - The Voice and Accent Hub https://m.facebook.com/groups/160080935058642 - 5 Minute Vocal Warm Up https://youtu.be/SX6LSr8qJp8 - Episode 1 - Voice Warm Up v Voice Work Out Chat https://pod.fo/e/b48fb  Mentioned in this episode:Vocal Confidence for Podcasting MasterclassHead to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

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The Voice Coach Podcast is for people who work with the spoken voice - speakers, podcasters, voiceover artists and presenters. Nic Redman, leading voice coach and voice director, shares how to improve your speaking voice and vocal health, whether you are presenting on stage, recording on microphone or presenting on camera. Vocal care impacts your performance, your vocal clarity and your presentation delivery. Learn how to go beyond a basic warm up to stand out vocally and look after your voice properly.