025 Exercises for Increasing Breath Capacity When Speaking

In this episode, we will talk about breath capacity for voicing, and understand it from a holistic perspective, rather than from a mechanical aspect. I will also share some simple exercises to increase our breath capacity that we can easily incorporate into our daily routines. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Why breath capacity is part of a more extensive conversation than just increasing our breath range - The things we should consider before starting breath capacity training - Three simple exercises to improve breath capacity Understanding that breath capacity is much more than the need to have bigger loads of air coming in or out is crucial. We must consider things like breathing habits, familiarising with the length of the words, being aware of the air necessary to voice those phrases or words, and paying attention to the out-breath before the in-breath.  Resources mentioned: - Voice & Accent Hub FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthub - Voicework: Art & Science in Changing Voices https://amzn.to/3uVyRAZ - Breath support episodes 15, 16, 17, and 20 https://pod.fo/e/c147a https://pod.fo/e/c2c37 https://pod.fo/e/c45ac https://pod.fo/e/c90ecMentioned in this episode:Vocal Confidence for Podcasting MasterclassHead to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

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The Voice Coach Podcast is for people who work with the spoken voice - speakers, podcasters, voiceover artists and presenters. Nic Redman, leading voice coach and voice director, shares how to improve your speaking voice and vocal health, whether you are presenting on stage, recording on microphone or presenting on camera. Vocal care impacts your performance, your vocal clarity and your presentation delivery. Learn how to go beyond a basic warm up to stand out vocally and look after your voice properly.