058 Talking Voice Training with Barbara Houseman - Part 1

Continuing with our podcast's first anniversary celebrations, I'm honoured to bring Barbara Houseman to the show. She is a Voice, Text, and Acting Freelance Coach with over 40 years of experience, including six years at the Royal Shakespeare Company and many years coaching in West End. Barbara is also the author of two books, "Finding Your Voice" and "Tackling Text." During the first of this two-part interview, Barbara shared her thoughts on warmup, breathwork, and support. We explore some insights on Barbara's practice, the link between her work and practising mindfulness and self-awareness, and why she decided to bring these techniques into her work. We also touch on authenticity, voice training before, during, and after lockdown, tongue release, and more.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What kind of work Barbara Houseman does with her students - What moved Barbara to start teaching mmindfulness and self-compassion, and how those practices benefit voice enthusiasts and professionals - Why many people's voices suffered during the pandemic - Why Barbara firmly believes that warmups should rather be habit builders - Advice for voiceover actors and actresses Barbara’s clients' list includes Jane Asher, Jerry Hall, Clive Owen, Daniel Radcliffe, Jude Law, and Nicholas Hoult, among many others. Each and every tip she shared with us is gold, so stay tuned for Part 2 of this interview!  Resources: - Barbara Houseman website: https://www.barbarahouseman.com/  - Barbara Houseman Books: https://www.barbarahouseman.com/about  - Nicola Harrision - Embodema https://www.nicolaharrison.co.uk - Join The Vocal Empowerment Course: https://nicolaredman.com/voice-coach/vocal-empowerment-programme/  Mentioned in this episode:Vocal Confidence for Podcasting MasterclassHead to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

Om Podcasten

The Voice Coach Podcast is for people who work with the spoken voice - speakers, podcasters, voiceover artists and presenters. Nic Redman, leading voice coach and voice director, shares how to improve your speaking voice and vocal health, whether you are presenting on stage, recording on microphone or presenting on camera. Vocal care impacts your performance, your vocal clarity and your presentation delivery. Learn how to go beyond a basic warm up to stand out vocally and look after your voice properly.