064 How to Use Consonants for More than Just Clarity of Speech

This week, we'll explore how consonants feel on their own, using the same words we used to explore vowels in the previous episode, using feet, mouth, syllable, and of course, the fragment of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Just as with the vowels, we'll explore the sounds, not the letters, and the different sound combinations they produce when pronounced together.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How different qualities of fricative and plosive sounds feel in the mouth - How to evaluate which consonants' sounds feel valuable by putting the vowels back in - Using consonants to emphasise the essential parts of our speech  Consonants' sounds are vital to adding clarity to the words of our speech. Even when making serious announcements in the corporate world, we can voice our speech in a compelling, engaging and expressive way by paying attention to how we produce those sounds.  Resources: - Book an Ultimate Voice Getaway Retreat consultation https://nicolaredman.com/voice-coach/courses-and-retreats/ultimate-voice-getaway-retreat/ - Join the Voice & Accent Hub https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthub  - Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nicredvoice/Mentioned in this episode:Vocal Confidence for Podcasting MasterclassHead to bit.ly/confidentpodvoice to get your spot. Masterclass happening on 21st June 2024.

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The Voice Coach Podcast is for people who work with the spoken voice - speakers, podcasters, voiceover artists and presenters. Nic Redman, leading voice coach and voice director, shares how to improve your speaking voice and vocal health, whether you are presenting on stage, recording on microphone or presenting on camera. Vocal care impacts your performance, your vocal clarity and your presentation delivery. Learn how to go beyond a basic warm up to stand out vocally and look after your voice properly.