145 - Stack Duo: An Introduction from Its Creator
Gabriel Custodiet speaks with Diego Salazar (rehrar) of Stack Wallet and Stack Duo (pared down Monero/Bitcoin version of Stack Wallet). Diego gives an introduction to the wallet and why it’s one of the very few Monero and Bitcoin wallets that you should be considering. GUEST → https://stackwallet.com/ (Stack Wallet is multi-coin; Stack Duo is Monero/Bitcoin) → https://twitter.com/stack_wallet → https://t.me/stackwallet (Telegram) WATCHMAN PRIVACY → https://watchmanprivacy.com (Including privacy consulting) → https://twitter.com/watchmanprivacy → https://escapethetechnocracy.com/ CRYPTO DONATIONS →8829DiYwJ344peEM7SzUspMtgUWKAjGJRHmu4Q6R8kEWMpafiXPPNBkeRBhNPK6sw27urqqMYTWWXZrsX6BLRrj7HiooPAy (Monero) →https://btcpay0.voltageapp.io/apps/3JDQDSj2rp56KDffH5sSZL19J1Lh/pos (BTC) Timeline 00:00 – Introduction 1:50 – Origins of Stack Wallet and Stack Duo 8:00 – Does running two wallets pose any problems? 14:50 – How does Stack fund itself? 20:12 – How do you run all your multi-coin nodes? 27:40 – Stack’s features and future 30:55 – PayNyms vs Silent Payments 36:00 – Is Diego afraid as a developer of self-custody wallets? 40:52 – What does Stack know about its users 42:35 – Final thoughts Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio