261. The Baguazhang Living Tao GONGFU EDITION

And so I finally did it. After months of procrastinating and going nowhere, I have finally received a call from a fellow martial artist with a simple request: When am I going to publish a gongfu book? What? Yes. When am I going to publish a gongfu book? I thought I did already. But no. I have not. What’s been missing is a manual with pictures and instructions and shit on how to do baguazhang. I said no. I’m not going to that. And why would I, when you can already get books on the baguazhang pre-heaven palms, post-heaven palms, changing and fixed palm sets, the swimming dragon form and countless other versions depending on which style of baguazhang you want to learn. I’m not bringing anything new to the table. But then, as if nobody’s listening to me, I got asked to do a manual on one of my forms created in Australia. Again I said no because of the potential backlash from those who don’t like change. To which the response came as: Fuck’em! Baguazhang is all about change. If they don’t get that, then they’re in the wrong house. We’ve seen what your forms can do and it’s time to come out of hiding. So apparently now is the time, and after much further ribbing at my expense, I did it. I published the gongfu manual both as an ebook and as a paperback on Amazon. It is called “The Baguazhang Living Tao GONGFU EDITION”. If you do go looking for it, make sure you add the phrase ‘gongfu edition’ to get the right version. It contains an entirely new form. I don’t say much about it – in fact hardly anything because it is in the practice of doing the form that a practitioner becomes one with nature.

Om Podcasten

Here you will learn that there is more to the Taoist internal martial art of baguazhang than just self defence, becoming a fighter, Kung Fu master or retiring to a monastery. The Tao leads some to become a martial arts boss in search of their true spiritual identity. Perhaps by listening in, you too could discover your own guided path up the mountain. This is one man's internal martial arts journey to Bagua Shan 八卦山.