263. In Baguazhang what are the main causes for getting injured?

Usually if you are doing baguazhang correctly, you should not get any injuries because baguazhang is a healing art at its core. Having said that, it is still possible to fuck things up. And people being people, no system is prefect. And so now I present to you a short list of the major types of injuries and their causes that can be sustained while doing baguazhang.

Om Podcasten

Here you will learn that there is more to the Taoist internal martial art of baguazhang than just self defence, becoming a fighter, Kung Fu master or retiring to a monastery. The Tao leads some to become a martial arts boss in search of their true spiritual identity. Perhaps by listening in, you too could discover your own guided path up the mountain. This is one man's internal martial arts journey to Bagua Shan 八卦山.