116 Practical SVG
Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) returns to the show to chat about his most recent publication ‘Practical SVG’. Chris walks us through the ins and outs of working with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Chris is most known for on the web for masterminding codepen.io (an in-browser social code application), creating & maintaining css-tricks.com, and podcasting on ShopTalk Show & CodePen Radio.
- Practical SVG - https://abookapart.com/products/practical-svg
- About the Practical SVG book - https://css-tricks.com/wrote-book-practical-svg/
- ShopTalk Show - http://shoptalkshow.com/
- CodePen Radio - https://blog.codepen.io/radio/
- CodePen - http://codepen.io/
- The Web Platform Podcast 27 - http://thewebplatformpodcast.com/27-building-codepen
- The Web Platform Podcast 58 - http://thewebplatformpodcast.com/58-scalable-vector-graphics
- GruntIcon - https://github.com/filamentgroup/grunticon
- IcoMoon - https://icomoon.io/
- SVGO - https://github.com/svg/svgo
- SVG Reference Cheat Sheet - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element
- D3 - https://d3js.org/
- Sara Soueidan SVG articles - https://sarasoueidan.com/tags/svg/