3: GoAngular & The GoInstant Platform

“The Rise of BAAS : GoAngular & The GoInstant (@GoInstant) Platform”,  episode 3, is the first of our exploration into Backend As A Service (BAAS) and how it’s changing how we build applications today. Matt Creager (@Matt_Creager), lead developer on the GoAngular project, talks with us about GoInstant, a powerful BAAS. The rise of BAAS has caused mixed feelings in the developer community. Static application development is rapidly increasing and evolving & the toolsets to build these are getting more detailed. This is due to many factors and static applications are quickly being recognized as solving more & more problems & pain points in application development today. Why would you build your applications with BAAS & how can you leverage the developer tools / frameworks out there? Matt tells his perspective in this episode.   

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A weekly show covering the latest in browser features, standards, and the tools developers use to build for the Web of today and beyond. Each week, hosts Danny, Amal, Leon, and Justin are joined by a special guest to discuss the latest developments and features that you may just want to use in your next project.