46: Polymer 1.0
Polymer 1.0 is here! Lean mean and production ready. On episode 46 we talk to a Proverbial Packed Panel of Professional Polymer People. Polymer has grown a ton since its developer preview and has been streamlined for performance. A big show where we talk to a panel of both GDE’s and members of the Polymer team to get a better idea of just how this project has grown and why Polymer and web components as a whole are important for the modern and future web platform.
Matt McNulty (@mattsmcnulty) - Technical Lead on The Google Polymer Team
Taylor Savage (@TaylorTheSavage) - Product Manager on The Google Polymer Team
Kevin Schaaf (@kevinpschaaf) - Engineer on the Google Polymer Team
Justin Ribeiro (@justinribeiro) - Wearables & Chrome HTML5 Google Developer Expert
Mauro Solicia (@smokybob84) - Google Developer Expert for Apps / Drive
Uri Shaked (@UriShaked) - Angular.js Google Developer Expert
Jarom McDonald (@jarommcdonald) - YouTube Google Developer Expert
Erik Isaksen (@eisaksen) - Chrome HTML5 Google Developer Expert
Danny Blue - Front End Engineer at Deloitte Digital
Polymer 1.0 - https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/
What is the Shady DOM ? - https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/articles/shadydom.html
ES6 & Polymer coming soon ? - https://twitter.com/aerotwist/status/605526323033833472
Slack Channel - polymer-slack.herokuapp.com
Eric’s io Web App - https://github.com/GoogleChrome/ioweb2015
generator-polymer - https://github.com/yeoman/generator-polymer
polymer seed - https://github.com/PolymerElements/seed-element
generator-element - https://github.com/webcomponents/generator-element
Polymer Element Catalog - https://elements.polymer-project.org/
Polymer Starter Kit - https://developers.google.com/web/tools/polymer-starter-kit/index?hl=en
Polymer Migration Guide - https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/migration.html
Polymer Summit - https://polymer.eventfarm.com/tokens/sessionAllocate?tr=gRnW3sDWgovcgB3mmCEEx2aJlCdqtqT9HGwbzzxfotR5ulRgoWklpV