17. Grateful Givers, A Finalist Fail, and one BIG Controversial Campaign.

Shulem Lemmer sings the mayor man , for the first time in 8 years Israel doesn't make the cut and I don't think I mind, and the making of history or should I say her-story, the Jewish Women's Unity Concert. FOR CONCERT DETAILS- www,dailygiving.org TO SIGN UP-www.dailygiving.org/theweeklysqueeze https://www.generationsportraits.co.uk/ www.chanalemusic.com www.instagram.com/chanalemusic Loved the episode? Wanna share your thoughts? Send me a message here! Support the show

Om Podcasten

When Chanale is not making music and busy being a supermom of her Israeli kids she is diving deep into Jewish culture. If it’s happening in the Jewish world you’re gonna hear about it here first. Heavy on humor, light on sarcasm, always interesting, The Weekly Squeeze Podcast is served fresh once a week and features some of the best guests and most exciting, thought provoking and entertaining conversations in the Jewish podcasting world.