#165 Purposelessness & Burnt out to Passionate High Performance with Alya Al Naqbi [Client Spotlight Episode]

Today's guest is an amazing human being and inspiring in so many ways, and we’re lucky enough to have her join us today to share her story over the last 18 months, moving from purposelessness and burnt out - to passionate and high performing. Alya Al Naqbi joins us to share the ebbs and flows of what it looks like to step up and have the courage to do the inner work needed to be truly happy, energised and connected to life, so she can be a force for good, for herself, her loved ones and society. Nothing lights us up more than recording interviews with our clients. We get the honour of working with incredible people in our coaching practice and seeing their whole journey from start to finish is something we’ll never take for granted. It gets us out of bed every morning and is why Wellness Theory has become what it is today and has allowed us to win awards and continue serving our community to be well in ways that last. No doubt you’ll be inspired by Alya as much as we are, Enjoy this episode! Much love and wellness,  Charlotte and Jonathan ⁠www.thewellnesstheory.com⁠ P.S.  ❤️ Like this? You'll love our Stress-Less & Thrive More Scorecard. If you want to discover how to relieve stress and improve your overall wellbeing then this is a great place to start your journey. This scorecard has been designed to quickly and easily assess your stress levels and overall wellbeing. In under 2 minutes you will generate a result which'll highlight what you're doing well and actionable tips on how to improve immediately. Once your score has been calculated, our system will produce a tailored report outlining specific actions for improving your score. Click this link to take your FREE scorecard now👇👇👇 https://www.thewellnesstheory.com/stress-less-scorecard

Om Podcasten

Join the award-winning Wellness Theory Podcast to learn how to eliminate stress, feel in control of your emotions, and build a healthy life that lasts. Hosted by Co-Founders and Master Coaches, Jonathan Mills and Charlotte Stebbing-Mills, you'll discover the most effective natural ways to optimise wellness. Tune in for inspiring guest interviews and practical tips on how to let go of unhealthy stress and make a difference in your life and the world. Be well, mean well, make a difference that lasts and join the Wellness Theory movement today.