0.06: Hamilton Special (with Lin-Manuel Miranda and Thomas Kail)

AARON BURR: How does a podcast, web thing,  Recap and chat on The West Wing,  Dropped on the internet by nostalgic pals On a fake President—it makes no sense! How do Josh and Hrish, on balance, Manage to land two major Broadway talents? The two gallants, Lin-Manuel and Tommy Kail, Got a lot farther by working a lot harder By being a lot smarter, by being self-starters By watching Bartlet, who's based a bit on Jimmy Carter Well, the word got around that they’re like, "Sorkin is insane, man" So we sent a lot of emails till we got into their brainpan: "Do a special episode, lend us some acclaim and Let's talk about the napkin in the frame." Roll the name, son: West Wing Weekly Hamilton  This thing is West Wing Weekly Hamilton There's a million things these guys have won  So just hit play, just hit play… For more, visit thewestwingweekly.com/006

Om Podcasten

An episode-by-episode discussion of The West Wing, one of television’s most beloved shows, co-hosted by one of its stars, Joshua Malina, along with Hrishikesh Hirway of Song Exploder.