Episode 53: Saima | The Hampstead Kitchen

For this episode, we spoke with Saima, founder of The Hampstead Kitchen. Saima is a private chef, philanthropist and activist who cooks for private events all over the world. We hear the story of how a chance meeting with and opportunity to cook for her now mentor, Warren Buffet, led to her starting the business. Saima talks us through The Hampstead Kitchen's approach to food -  telling stories through their menus and creating events which provide a three dimensional experience - from the drinks and the table linen to the ingredients and where they are sourced. Through this, they encourage guests to connect the food they are being served with a bigger picture and Saima now speaks at most events, supporting this approach and highlighting her charitable causes. We also discuss the zero waste philosophy within the company – redistributing leftovers to the homeless and cooking meals for food banks and others in need. Saima’s commitment to her causes and the integrity with which she conducts her business is unfaltering. Towards the end of the conversation, we hear the story of her first visit to a refugee camp and how this experience has changed her approach to life. Other topics we touch on are Saima’s mentorship of new businesses, employment of refugees and ex-offenders and commitment to giving a percentage of profits to charity.  Find The Hampstead Kitchen on Instagram @hampsteadkitchn and via their website www.thehampsteadkitchen.com.  Find us on Instagram @whascookingpodcast, on Twitter @whatscookingpod or drop us an email thewhatscookingpodcast@gmail.com. 

Om Podcasten

Beth and Kat are two lovers of all things food who bring you weekly insights into the adventures of fellow epicureans and their businesses. Focusing on the journey and not the destination, they will explore what gets their guests out of bed in the morning and what life looks like when you’re starting from scratch in this competitive sector.