Whole Horse | All about track systems for horses with Amy Dell

I was excited to be joined by Amy Dell of Abbotts View Livery for this episode, who wrote the book Horse Track Systems and runs her own track livery in England.  What I loved about Amy’s book is how it laid out the steps and tips for creating your own track system in a very thoughtful and practical way, and it was great to be able to go into more detail about many aspects of tracks systems within this episode. Our discussion ranged from footing, to forage, to considerations for shelter and integrating new herd members.  It was truly inspiring to hear how successful Amy has been at providing enriching and healthy living environments to a variety of horses, and I hope our chat leaves you with lots of ideas as to how to get started on your own ideal equine environment or improve upon the one you have already built!   Amy Dell runs Abbotts View Livery, a successful track system livery based in the south east of the UK.  Amy started AVL in 2016 at the age of 21, after completing a degree in Animal Behaviour and Welfare. In November of 2022, she released what would become a best selling book entitled Horse Track Systems to share her hard earned knowledge with the world and help other equestrians create amazing environments for their horses, either as a livery or for their own use. She also runs a consultancy business, and has helped many people worldwide over the phone to plan, get started, or develop their track systems. She dreams of the day when all horses get to live outside with free choice, forage and friends.  Learn more about Amy's work and purchase her awesome book at her website: https://www.barefootandbacktonature.com/ 

Om Podcasten

In this horse-centred podcast now in it’s sixth season, author, facilitator, horse and human manual therapist, animal communicator, and horse lover Alexa Linton explores uncharted territory and newly discovered edges of the horse-human partnership with equine professionals. Together, we'll be shedding light on all the different ways of relating to and being with horses, learning how to cultivate optimal health for horses and their riders, uncovering the many facets of horse training, and sharing about the rather bumpy ride of becoming an advocate for horses in our current horse industry. Find all the resources mentioned in the episodes at www.wholehorse.ca! Find out more about Alexa at www.alexalinton.com