Whole Horse | Meeting Raven + learning with horses with Alexa and guest host Allie Goin

In this episode of the podcast, my awesome guest host Allie Goin is back as we chat about the story of my new mare Raven and my current learning about her injury, rehabilitation, and looking at the "whole" horse, physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual, when moving through a healing process. We get into the woo-woo parts of things, and ways that intuition can show up that we may not realize (funny story about this one at 16 minutes in!) and how we can connect with or listen to our horses in different ways, beyond body language. We also discuss the current edges of my work and my upcoming online Whole Horse Apprenticeship program, beginning on September 15th (as you can hear I'm pretty darn excited about it). Thanks Allie for hosting!  Learn more about Alexa here and get more details about the Whole Horse Apprenticeship at http://alexalinton.com/apprenticeship-2020 Enjoy!

Om Podcasten

In this horse-centred podcast now in it’s sixth season, author, facilitator, horse and human manual therapist, animal communicator, and horse lover Alexa Linton explores uncharted territory and newly discovered edges of the horse-human partnership with equine professionals. Together, we'll be shedding light on all the different ways of relating to and being with horses, learning how to cultivate optimal health for horses and their riders, uncovering the many facets of horse training, and sharing about the rather bumpy ride of becoming an advocate for horses in our current horse industry. Find all the resources mentioned in the episodes at www.wholehorse.ca! Find out more about Alexa at www.alexalinton.com