Whole Horse | Myofascial lines in horses with Tami Elkayam

This podcast is one of my geekiest yet and I loved it! What a pleasure to chat with equine body worker Tami Elkayam about the equine fascial lines, her recent osteopathy training, craniosacral work and the essential role of the TMJ, and much more. A must listen for any equine body workers out there, and for horse lovers interested in learning more about how their horses bodies work. Scroll down the page for all the resources shared - I definitely have some new books on my wish list!  Tami started her equine therapy journey with the Masterson Method and worked her way through certification, and then continued her training with all four levels of Equine CranioScaral through the Upledger institute. As she finds new tools and gathers more knowledge, she feels able to better treat and help horses. She has recently started a new journey as an equine osteopath through the Vluggen Institute. From Tami: I believe that therapists need empathy, humility and an open mind. I believe it takes a village to keep our equine partners healthy and happy. I feel there is not enough collaboration in the equine world between Veterinarians, Farriers, Dentists, Chiropractors and Therapists. I believe in spreading knowledge and sharing information so that each horse can have a better life. It is important for me that each one of my clients understands that each horse I treat becomes part of my herd; each horse gives as much as it receives. Therefore they are family. Find out more about Tami on Facebook or at https://elkayamequinetherapy.godaddysites.com/ Enjoy!  

Om Podcasten

In this horse-centred podcast now in it’s sixth season, author, facilitator, horse and human manual therapist, animal communicator, and horse lover Alexa Linton explores uncharted territory and newly discovered edges of the horse-human partnership with equine professionals. Together, we'll be shedding light on all the different ways of relating to and being with horses, learning how to cultivate optimal health for horses and their riders, uncovering the many facets of horse training, and sharing about the rather bumpy ride of becoming an advocate for horses in our current horse industry. Find all the resources mentioned in the episodes at www.wholehorse.ca! Find out more about Alexa at www.alexalinton.com