A Pluto in Aquarius Interview!

Hey gang, so like many of you we had questions about what this shift of Pluto to Aquarius means, so we sat down this week with some people who know way more than us: 2 Geminis and Leo! Theresa and Rae give us the skinny on what this all means, as well as some fun side quests involving aliens, whirlpools, CERN, you know, all the tasty bits. We hope this answers some of y'alls wonderings on this, frens, and we'll be back next week with your regularly scheduled programming! Two Geminis &a...

Om Podcasten

Meet Charlye Michelle and Macy Frazier, also known as the hosts of The Witch Bitch Amateur Hour. They invite you to join them as they explore the overly complicated and highly debated world of all that is spiritual. Sit back, relax, an enjoy as these Basic Witches provide you with lots of laughs, and hopefully some learning along the way