Nag Champa and Marshmallow - Ep. 101

Sooo Interesting!This week, in addition to more Madlibs and hilarious bingo games, Macy talks about Nag Champa and Charlye muses about Marshmallow.Join us for Hippies, Fast Food Incense, and a McWHAT?!www.witchbitchamateurhour.com_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Episode Links :BetterHelpGet started today and enjoy 10% off your first Fire Herbal10% Off your first order! Use code HUGE THANK YOU TO :Artio Artisanalshttp://www....

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Meet Charlye Michelle and Macy Frazier, also known as the hosts of The Witch Bitch Amateur Hour. They invite you to join them as they explore the overly complicated and highly debated world of all that is spiritual. Sit back, relax, an enjoy as these Basic Witches provide you with lots of laughs, and hopefully some learning along the way