She Doesn't Like Me

Kelly McNelis of Women for One speaks with Byron Katie. Kelly uses one of Katie's books, Who Would You Be Without Your Story? to support her community's mission, which is to share our stories in order to move through them rather than become them. Kelly brought along a filled-in Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet with the main concept 'She doesn’t like me.' The situation where she believes this thought is at a restaurant with the woman sitting to her right at a table. Katie guides Kelly through the four questions and the turnarounds, helping her to meditate on that particular moment. Through this meditative process, Kelly notices how she had shut down in the restaurant, cutting herself off from the other woman. She also notices that the other woman appears fearful, angry, and threatened. Finally, she finds examples for two turnarounds: that she doesn't like herself in that moment when she shuts down and that she doesn't like the other woman. Continuing through the Worksheet, Kelly also questions the statement 'I want her to be kind to me.' 'You're expecting her to do what you can't do yourself,' Katie says. Kelly, amazed, says, 'That's big!' Other questioned concepts included 'I'm fat and unattractive' and 'People are starving.' Our Work's not done until we're no longer at war with anyone or anything. —Byron Katie

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Byron Katie, founder of The Work, has one job: to teach people how to end their own suffering. As she guides people through the powerful process of inquiry she calls The Work, they find that their stressful beliefs—about life, other people, or themselves—radically shift and their lives are changed forever. Based on Byron Katie's direct experience of how suffering is created and ended, The Work is an astonishingly simple process, accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, and requires nothing more than a pen, paper, and an open mind. Through this process, anyone can learn to trace unhappiness to its source and deal with it there. Katie (as everyone calls her) not only shows us that all the problems in the world originate in our thinking: she gives us the tool to open our minds and set ourselves free.