Episode 26: Zen Books

"Zen is a special transmission outside the scriptures, not depending on words and letters." With that in mind, Jundo and Kirk discuss Zen books: how to read them, what to read, and when to burn them. Treeleaf Zendo Bodhidharma (Wikipedia) Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind Zen Flesh, Zen Bones Buddhism For Dummies Simple Guide to Zen Buddhism What Is Zen?: Plain Talk for a Beginner's Mind The Circle of the Way The Three Pillars of Zen Opening the Hand of Thought How to Cook Your Life The Zen Teaching of Homeless Kodo Realizing Genjokoan: The Key to Dogen's Shobogenzo Theme music by Kiku Day. To submit a question, send an email to podcast@zen-of-everything.com. If you like the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.

Om Podcasten

The Zen of Everything presents a zen take on life, love, laughter, and everything else. With Jundo Cohen, a real zen master, and Kirk McElhearn, a guy who knows a bit about zen.